Home » How to Type enye on Computer, Laptop, and Phone?
How to Type Small enye ñ

How to Type enye on Computer, Laptop, and Phone?

The enye ( Ñ ) is a letter in the Spanish alphabet that is used to represent a distinct sound. Enye character has two forms namely the big enye (Ñ) and small enye(ñ). In this article, we will show you how to type both enye characters on your computer, laptop, and phone.

How to Type enye on Computer, Laptop, and Phone?

Since we are here to discuss how to type enye on various devices, the methods will be different. So, we shall discuss those methods to type enye on each device separately.

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How to Type Small enye ñ
How to Type Small enye ñand Big enye N on Laptop, computer, MAC, and Phone?

How to Type enye on Computer?

There are different ways to type the big enye and small enye on a computer. You can use the following methods to type those characters.

1. Using the Alt Code: Press the Alt+ 0209 keys for the big enye (Ñ) or Alt+0241 for the small enye (ñ). Sometimes Alt+164 and Alt+ 165 are also used type enye on computers.

2. Using the Character Map: Click on the Start menu and select “Character Map” followed by choosing “Spanish” or “Latin-1” character set. Then, find the big enye (Ñ ) and small enye (ñ) characters. Select and click on the characters to copy to your clipboard.

3. Using the Keyboard Shortcut: For this, you should have a Spanish Keyboard layout installed on your computer. Then, you can type the big enye (Ñ) by pressing the Ctrl+Shift+~ keys and pressing the N key. Also, you can type the small enye (ñ) by pressing the Ctrl+~ keys and then pressing the N key.

How to write enye on a laptop?

There is no difference in key combinations on the computer keyboard and laptop keyboard. You can use the same procedure as above to type the enye letter on a laptop.

Most of the users are asking for a solution to put enye letters on their different brand laptops. For every brand like Asus, Acer, Dell, HP, Sony, etc, just follow the same procedure as mentioned for the computer.

On Mac

  1. Click on the Apple menu and pick the“System Preferences” option.
  2. Then, choose “Keyboard” and “Keyboard Viewer”
  3. In the Keyboard Viewer window, select the “Spanish” or “Latin-1” character.
  4. Finally, click on your desired enye character to select it and then copy it to your clipboard.

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How to type enye on Phone?

Nowadays, Smartphone developers understand the needs of the user and the alphabet of all countries. So, they have pre-installed all the alphabet on their device. All you have to do is find out How to use it. Just follow the steps below to put enye on iPhone and Android.

On iPhone

Small enye Letter

  1. First will look at How to make small enye letters with screenshots.
  2. Open Keyboard
  3. Long press on letter ‘n’
  4. Now, you can find some options in that select enye letter.

    Capital enye letter

    1. Open Keyboard
    2. Click on the UP arrow to make all letters capital.
    3. Long press on letter ‘N’
    4. Now, you can see a few options in that select enye letter.
    5. It will appear in your text.
    6. Look, it is so simple. Enjoy typing the letter in your text.

    On Android

    Small enye Letter

    1. It is the same as the iPhone procedure. Just check it out too.
    2. How to make a small enye letter?
    3. Open Keyboard
    4. Long press on letter ‘n’
    5. Now, you can find some options that select any letter.
    6. It will appear in your text.

    Capital enye letter

    1. Open Keyboard
    2. Click on the UP arrow to make all letters capital.
    3. Long press on letter ‘N’
    4. Now, you can find some options in that select any letter.
    5. It will appear in your text.

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    Final words

    In conclusion, typing the big enye (Ñ) and small enye(ñ) on your computer, laptop, and phone is easy once you know the right methods. So, you can use the methods outlined in this article to type both enye characters. You will be able to type these characters with ease and accuracy with a little practice.


    What is the Keycode for Ñ?

    The shortcut keycode for big enye Ñ  is Alt+0209 and for small enye ñ is Alt+0241. In some cases, you can also try Alt+164 and Alt+165 due to variation in computers ad models.

    How to type ñ in Laptop Windows 10?

    You can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+~, release and press N to type the letter ñ in laptop Windows 10. Also, you can try the Alt code Alt+0241 to type ñ in Windows 10 laptop